You're SO Urban

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25 to life

There are only two occasions when I think about my age: on my birthday and when I'm directly asked. Otherwise, I'm not particularly bothered about being 40-something. When someone remarks that my looks and interests don't mesh with what they perceive as my advanced age, I appreciate the compliment. Would I like to be a few years younger? Sure. I'd have more time to get an MFA, develop another undiscovered talent, read more books. But that's not the reason why I never volunteer my age. It's this bizarre expression of disappointment that people are never quick enough to disguise, as though their entire perception of me has changed. I could understand if someone re-examined all that they knew of me because I had suddenly revealed my recent streak of armed robberies, but when people seem to re-evaluate our relationship in a matter of seconds because of my age, I am hardly amused.

Last Friday was my birthday and, as usual, I treated it as just another day. I was at a bar in Berlin with two friends who presented me with a brownie topped with 3 candles. It was a sweet gesture made even sweeter by the fact that they didn't sing nor enlist others in the bar to do so. Yet a couple of days later, after sifting through birthday greetings posted on my Facebook page, I felt a familiar pang of age-awareness and immediately began to prepare my defense. "I'm not that old. There are plenty of people -- really cool people -- and really cool things that are older than me. Tons of them!"  I eventually started jotting these things down and by the time I got to 25 items, I was giggling with anticipation of the next unsuspecting age inquirer.

25 Things That Are Older Than Me (and some are pretty cool):

  1. The Bible

  2. Legos

  3. Air travel

  4. The lightbulb

  5. NASA

  6. Chapstick

  7. Masking tape

  8. Alaska’s statehood

  9. Batman

  10. Sudoku

  11. The Staten Island Ferry

  12. The curling iron

  13. Cheerios

  14. The NFL

  15. the electric guitar

  16. Internal combustion engines

  17. Yahtzee

  18. anesthesia

  19. the Wizard of Oz

  20. Kool-Aid

  21. Neon lights

  22. Jazz

  23. Harley-Davidson motorcycles

  24. air conditioning

  25. Pez