life is like the internet

A friend shared this video on Facebook today. The time I spent watching it were the best moments of a day in which I accomplished nothing of value to anyone but myself, which doesn't trouble me in the least.

I wanted to know the name of the piece but instead of asking my girl Google, I skimmed the comments on the Facebook post. Big mistake. Not only did no one mention the title, all I found were a bunch of angry people arguing: that the message is alarmist because the earth has reformed itself for eons, that the filming in and of itself is environmentally hostile, that Greenpeace is just a bunch of hippie opportunists, that somehow it's all Obama's fault, and so on.

Not one person said that the music was beautiful or that the visuals were stunning. They just bitched. I see and hear so much bitching every day: on the bus, on TV, online. Bitch, bitch, bitch about every damn thing. 

I decided to post the video on my Facebook page, but I used the YouTube version so I didn't give those comments any additional exposure. People are so outwardly hostile these days. While the news webpages and social media feeds that I read are loading, I feel the muscles in my neck and shoulders brace for an influx of trolls. 

It occurred to me then, that life is like the internet: sometimes you have to disable the comments.


sick day (10/13/16)


three ovens and bad pizza (10/1/16)