milo’s film debut (7/18/14)
Wednesday afternoon I was sitting at my workstation when my phone rang. It was Lee, Milo's walker who has also recently been working as a dog wrangler for films. Lee was calling to find out if she could bring Milo to her current shoot, to replace a dog who couldn't poop on set. Yes, Milo would be in a theatrical release movie if he could poop. On cue.
Milo takes several minutes to inspect and circle around the potty spot he visits several times a day, so of course I didn't think he was up to this challenge, but I figured at least he'd have fun getting out of the house and playing with other dogs on set. Well hush my mouf -- he did it. Lee's exact words were "Milo saved the day". Picturing the scene I giggled aloud then quietly as I was reminded of the ridiculous acoustics in my cubicle.
The shoot didn't wrap until evening, so I got home before Milo did. I waited anxiously, as any parent would, wondering where he was and whether he was hungry or frightened. Shortly after 9 he burst through the door, his tail wagging wildly, as though it were telling me all about his big adventure. Once he calmed down he ate dinner then crashed. I'm sure he had missed his usual naps.
And like any parent would, I told and retold the story to family, friends and anyone at work who would listen.
UPDATE 7/24: Milo's scene ended up on the cutting room floor! I have no choice, therefore, but to boycott this film and implore friends and family to do the same. Actually I hope it goes straight to DVD.