first book completed in 2022 and I'm mad

Mad as hell.

This book is well-written, in an intriguing format. The author had my heart pounding as we approached the finished line then like Lucy with the football just snatched away any hopes of a real conclusion.

I am well-read enough to occasionally appreciate an ambiguous ending but this was some bullshit. I mean, she inserted a whole new theory of the crime on the very last page. Girl, BYE. That takes your grade from a B+ to a C-.

Next up: Neil Gaiman’s American Gods. My random book generator actually chose For Whom the Bell Tolls first, then American Gods but, in the last random selection American Gods came in second to The Aosawa Murders, so I’ll take that as a sign. I started this a while ago then set it aside. I hope I was just going through something and can finish it this time.

Update 2/4: American Gods was DOPE. Love love loved it.


RIP sensei


rest easy, sir 💔